Tag: camping

Guyana, South America

After planning for almost 2 years, our youth leaders, Carson and Rachel, were able to put together an amazing trip to Guyana for our youth group here in Willow, Alaska. So many issues came up with this trip, but God preformed one miracle after another and worked it out...

Spring Break Camping Trip

Early spring and late fall are some of our favorite times of the year to go camping to truly get away from all but the most diehard outdoor enthusiast type of people. The latter doesn’t matter too much anyway because they won’t be camping near other people to begin...

New Camp trailer – WooHoo!

We turned in our camp trailer for a new version with room for our *almost* teenager to have some space for herself and her dog. We have used it just a handful of times due to C19 so we are anxious to get out and do some camping this...