Tag: family

Iditarod Restart 2024

The Short Version of the History of the Iditarod The story of the Iditarod actually started many years ago in 1925. in January 1925 the children of Nome were dying after getting infected with diphtheria. The epidemic put the entire village of 1,400 at risk. A quarantine was ordered,...

Guyana, South America

After planning for almost 2 years, our youth leaders, Carson and Rachel, were able to put together an amazing trip to Guyana for our youth group here in Willow, Alaska. So many issues came up with this trip, but God preformed one miracle after another and worked it out...

Mount Rushmore

In September 2023 we visited Mount Rushmore in South Dakota while we were there visiting all the South Dakota and Wyoming relatives. We had always heard about it along with seeing it in pictures and movies, but we had never seen it in person. Mount Rushmore was sculpted between...



Colony Christmas – Palmer Alaska 2023

Alaskans definitely have Christmas spirit and it shows with many of the decorations and events that are held throughout the state in towns big and small. Christmas and just the whole season in general falls in the darkest time of the year where we struggle to get six hours...

Alaskan Christmas 2023

Preparing for Christmas in Alaska We do live in Alaska, which does get a fair amount of snow in the winter, so we decided to decorate the house and property to make it feel more festive for Christmas. The Alaskan days get long and dark so some good Christmas...

Tanya and Bryan’s Wedding

All Pictures by Noorewok Photography – unless otherwise noted. Daddy’s Girl Tanya was a daddy’s girl for many of her grade school years, but I knew that one day in the future the day would come when I’d be giving her away. She excelled in school and went on...

Vacation and Wedding

We took a quick and much needed trip to the lower 48 in September. Our daughter Tanya was getting married in Washington and my dad who lives in South Dakota is not doing well with his health. We decided if we were going down for the wedding we would...

2023, crazy but amazing!

It has been 1 year, almost to the day that we moved into our home. We have done a tremendous amount of work with a lot more to do. It’s a little crazy looking back over the last year and seeing how God has helped us in so many...