Jessica, 14 and Growing Up!


Yep, our youngest turned 14! kinda crazy if you ask me and I really don’t see how its possible already but here we are. 14 is a big deal here in Alaska as you can do several things like get your permit and open carry. There is a story on that already so I won’t go into it further.



It doesn’t seem possible but Jessica is a freshman this year! This one actually snuck up on me for sure. Because we homeschool she works at different grade levels, wherever her learning level is at. She has been doing 8th grade work mostly, a little ahead in science and a smidge behind in math but its all good. We are going a slightly different route this year and joining a homeschool program. Here in Alaska, the homeschool programs and perks are simply A-MA-ZING!! There is a several different methods to homeschool here and we picked an actual program called CyberLynx Homeschool. Basically (and I am new to this and still learning so I may have some stuff mixed up) the state of Alaska gives homeschooling families an allotment that varies with grade/full time/dual enrollment/etc. and some other rules and regulations. The “middle – man” or trustee of the funds are the homeschool programs, these also vary by the location, size, what they can offer, etc. So, long story short, we will have $2600 to use towards almost any electives, extracurricular activities, museums, aquariums, flying lessons, drivers ed, the list is honestly incredible. Jessica is still deciding what she wants to do with coming year with her allotment funds, with a welding class, wilderness survival and first aid class and horseback riding taking the lead so far. She wants flying lessons but that will have to wait until she is 16. The amount of help with almost every aspect of homeschooling is awesome, we can’t wait to start her freshman year! Some have said they worry about homeschoolers social life, well, here in Alaska that would a joke, lol. With so many students homeschooled across the state there are classes, workshops, groups, sports teams, special admittance days at museums, aquariums and zoos, there is no way kids are not socialized up here! Then you could start on all the winter sports as well to get involved. It truly is a great place to educate your child!


We have another driver here in Alaska, Miss Jessie is officially legal now with her learners permit in hand. She of course is very proud of herself and we are too. She had to unlearn some WA laws and relearn some Alaska laws so the test was a bit tricky. Alaska is on a point system where Washington was not so she had to learn all of that as well. Initially she gave up after failing, but she is determined and passed the next time with only 1 wrong answer. She has driven the highway with dad already, and the side streets with me. Does a pretty good job too! She is looking for a job so she can get her own truck now, lol. She can test for her actual drivers license at 16, and can get her pilot license at 16 as well. She is already looking forward to it.

new driver!


You read that right, Jessica has given her life to Christ and is now a Christian, know what? Its obvious! The snarky, grumpy teenager is gone and we have young woman that goes out of her way to always do what is right and do it with a smile. Is she an angel, um, NO, she is still very much so a 14 year old girl, lol! However, her heart seeks after God and it is evident in the way she speaks, attitude, and actions. We are so thankful for this answer to prayer! She has always been a good kid, and we are proud of her, but good kids don’t go to heaven, saved ones do. That is a hard concept for a lot of parents to hear but its true. We are so very thankful for the change in her life that only Jesus can bring.


Well, she is learning to drive, hanging out with friends, and getting ready to start high school, and is looking for a job and a truck, lol. She is also joining one of Alaska’s shooting teams for youth this fall so that should be fun! Our little baby girl has morphed into a young butterfly that is just trying to let its new wings dry out before trying to fly. We are quite proud of Jessica and all she has been through in her short 14 years, facing her fears, public speaking, moving across country (there was a lot to that story for her), dealing with health issues, building Amateur radio (HAM) repeaters for emergency communications with dad, and standing up for her beliefs even when attacked for it. Whatever Jessie decides to do in life and wherever she may go, we have confidence she will do well. High school will be interesting with this one for sure! Jessica has mentioned she wants to get into Emergency Management, Search and Rescue or Emergency Response in some way as a career. I think she would do amazing in that field with her practical common sense and real-world smarts.

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