
So we did what I said we would never do… an inside dog. Jessica has wanted a German Shepherd for so long and we have always said no as I really, really don’t like animals inside. Jessica can be a persistent little thing when she really wants something and she really wanted a dog. One day when she had asked yet again for a German Shepherd I told her to pray about it, I figured that would quiet her down for awhile. Well, what I figured was a flippant answer she took seriously and started praying for a German Shepherd every day.

One day I had Jess with me and we were passing by the Animal Shelter in town. The Lord told me to pull in, my response was um, I don’t think so. Again, the Lord told me to pull in so I did. As I was pulling into the parking lot a little face appeared in one of the kennels and a little German Shepard sat there watching us. I knew at that moment God had answered her prayers and I was SUNK, lol! We went inside and asked about her, but she had just been picked up and wasn’t even done with the 72 hour holding. She was approx 6 months old, quite thin and terrified of everything. They told me to come back the next day as they would be releasing her to an adoption agency. We went home and discussed it with dad who obviously said yes. Next day Jess was on a field trip so I returned to the Shelter by myself.

It’s a good thing I went back! While I was in there discussing the steps required to adopt her through a 3rd party, a guy came in with an older couple. He stated here was there for the German Shepherd. The lady behind the counter said she was sorry but there was someone ahead of him (Me). He goes OFF arguing everything under the sun, who he knows in the city administration, his parents want it (that must be the older couple), how he can train it, take care of it, accusing the lady of lying, wanted to know if the other person and her were friends or something, etc. He was very verbally abusive towards her. I was going to leave but I was learning all kinds of things about myself from him, lol. The other reason I stayed is I didn’t want to leave the poor girl to deal with him by herself. He turned and asked me if I had somewhere else to be….um, EXCUSE ME?! When he tried to kick me out of the public building while being verbally abusive towards the other lady, that was the wrong thing to do! I just started laughing as he was so over the top in his efforts to convince and bully his way into getting the dog.

Laughing probably wasn’t the greatest idea but I really couldn’t help it. His mom looked me up and down and didn’t look impressed. Finally the guy simmered down a bit and asked the lady again who was ahead of him. I didn’t want to cause her more problems so I told him “its me”. WOW! the look on his face was priceless, lol! His mom told me you could have told him! I replied ‘why? I was learning all kinds of stuff about myself!’ She had the decency to look embarrassed. Mr trouble then starts in on me and I noticed the lady behind the counter calling in the animal patrol officer. I let him ramble for awhile before I decided to stop him. I told him my husband had been a K9 officer for many years and knew how to train dogs correctly, we live in the country so she would have plenty of rom to run and play. I had kids that would play with her daily and she would be a well trained family dog. That shut him up real quick and in a hurry! He was done with the accusations but was still arguing when the patrol officer showed up.

I asked the lady behind the counter if she was ok, she said she was but I could see she was shook up. The officer said the dog was being turned over to Ocean Shores Paws and anyone could adopt the dog from them. I had to get back to work and left while Mr Trouble was still arguing in there. I decided to call North Beach Paws as soon as I got to my truck and let them know that when they received a little German Shepherd later that door I would like to be there and adopt her. They said they would call me back and I went on to work.

About an hour later I received a phone call from NBP. They had received a call from the Shelter and they were instructed to make sure I got the pup and NOT the Mr Trouble, lol, I appreciated that! Later that day, I picked up Jessica and we headed to Ocean Shores. We arrived soon after she did. Kimber is Jessica’s dog and after much thought she named her Kimber. They really do everything together and Kimber has grown into a happy and spoiled 2 year old dog. We did find out when we picked Kimber up that she was likely abused, she was very thin, and really needed a lot of love, understanding, training, and just interaction with others. Now she is a little overweight because she is terrible about begging, she loves her family, the beach, her toys, her huge fluffy bed, our 2 cats, and Mr UPS guy who give her treats.

You can read all about Kimber in the children’s book Jessica and I wrote called “Kimber, A Forever Kind of Family”. Its on Amazon!

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