Tag: faith

Guyana, South America

After planning for almost 2 years, our youth leaders, Carson and Rachel, were able to put together an amazing trip to Guyana for our youth group here in Willow, Alaska. So many issues came up with this trip, but God preformed one miracle after another and worked it out...



2023, crazy but amazing!

It has been 1 year, almost to the day that we moved into our home. We have done a tremendous amount of work with a lot more to do. It’s a little crazy looking back over the last year and seeing how God has helped us in so many...

Surprise Visit By The Kids

Our two older kids, Tanya and Jeffery, came up for a surprise visit in December. That was a great surprise as we had been missing them. We had not seen them since we escaped communist Washington almost a year before. Technically it was not a surprise visit as the...

First year in Alaska

Our first year in Alaska was far different than anything we could have imagined. Everything we had planned out before moving went out the window! I think God sometimes laughs at our future plans when we make them. We are so sure of ourselves and our abilities to accomplish...


Hello friends!Hannah here, I am going to try to update all that’s happened in the last few months or so. Been a bit crazy around here for sure, but God is GOOD!We had been looking for work in Alaska for about 3 years and actually had jobs twice but...