Hannah’s New Revolver

So, what do you buy your wife for her birthday when she likes living a simple life without all the newest and fanciest stuff? The answer is very simple, a new gun that she does not have. That is exactly what I decided to do for her birthday this year because she really did not express any wants about getting anything else as she is happy with what she has.

We were shopping at a local store when I spotted a rose-colored Ruger Wrangler 4 ½” 6 shot .22 revolver in the display case so I pointed it out to her. She immediately wanted to see it and instantly fell in love with it, probably because of the color, I’m sure. I told her that it was going to be her birthday present and after some arguing she reluctantly gave in after seeing that I was not backing down. I thought it would be a nice plinking handgun for her that wasn’t too expensive to shoot and it could also put a few grouse and other small game on the table this fall and for years to come. A good fresh from the field to the table grouse dinner is mighty tasty! I had to ask the salesman if they had those cards like coffee stands do where you can by nine guns and get the tenth free, but unfortunately, he said they do no so it looks like I will have to keep working longer.

After all the paperwork was done, we finally got to take her gun out so she could try it out. She was getting eager to try it out and that was ones of the fastest preparations for a shooting trip that we have ever made as the ammo and everything was packed in minutes. We went to spot in the woods where we had an earth berm for a backstop with a hill in the background and set up some targets. Our daughter and a couple of her friends had to go too. She loaded it up and definitely loved it after the first shot. It didn’t take long for her to get used to the new sights and start hitting where she aimed so the grouse dinner is looking better later. After a few reloads she let Jessica try it and now she will probably want one later too. We kept our practice down to a few boxes of rounds because replacing .22 ammo is virtually impossible for the foreseeable future.

It was a fun time shooting, but was a lot shorter than what we would have liked because of the nation-wide ammo shortage. Shooting is a fun filled family activity for sure and you always want to practice to ensure your shots are accurate before hunting season. She had to meticulously clean her new revolver before putting it away until the next time.

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