Update on life here….

Its been a few months since I updated on our home. The snow is gone and though we have had an unseasonably wet summer, we have been able to get quite a bit accomplished outside! With the summers here being short we decided to put the inside of the house on “hold” and switch to getting the outside done and get back to the inside when the weather turns cold in the fall. There is so much potential here on the property, just going to take a lot of work to get it all done.

I didn’t think it was possible but we had several truck loads of yet MORE garbage waiting for us when the snow melted. LOL, I am thankful God does not show us the future as I would have ran screaming had I seen all the work and ‘fixes’ we have had on this property! It was in the contract initially that the original owner had to come back and clean up the property when the snow melted. I was very thankful to see him come and haul away so much stuff!

We rented a Bobcat and started clearing the driveway and parking area. Made a bunch of room for the camp trailer, car trailer, and later this summer the container (finally). Cleaned out the large lean-to, put in a garden, built a chicken coop, widening the road and drive, put in some parking spots, built some outside steps and porch, and so much more! We are still in the process of having gravel (pit run) brought in to resurface the drive and parking, build some walkways, a bonfire area, a deck area for the smoker and grill, a greenhouse (next summer), etc. We have a lot of plans but will have to wait on some of them, have to save up between.

Jessica has turned 15 recently and is becoming quite the young lady! We combined a BBQ, Volley Ball game, church Memorial Day picnic with Jessica’s 15th birthday and Karissa’s18th birthday. She is looking for a job so she can buy a truck. She has decided to further her education in diesel mechanics and will start level 2 this fall. her goal is to own her own mobile diesel mechanics and welding truck that also specializes in heavy equipment. I know, quite ambitious, but of any girl out there that could pull it off, she could! She already helps with the maintenance of all our rigs. LOL, I heard Jared and Jessica arguing the other day outside so I went and peeked to see them both under my truck arguing about what tool to use……*sigh* I don’t think this is the last time I hear that, lol! They think so much alike that sometimes when they argue both are saying the same thing in a different way. Jessica is still involved with FEMA Youth Preparedness Council and has done a few events for that.

One of the other things I have done recently is to buy a 35W engraver/cutter machine and start a little business…..Willowbilly Creations. I make all kinds of things from keychains and magnets to signs to trinkets and boxes of every size. I am still learning but have sold quite a bit so far at my table at the Willow Farmers Market. I’m also selling soaps that Jessica and I have made (more of a fun hobby) and will have stickers and t-shirts and more next summer. Jessica sells homemade dog treats she makes here at home and already has a customer list that come just to buy those treats. I have met some amazing people and made a lot of new friends at the market, I really enjoy it! I am still working on the website, willowbillycreations.com, it needs a lot of help at the moment! I started a fb page but have not been able to really do much with it yet. This coming winter I will have a lot more time to get the website and fb page up and running. Jessica is helping me with the website but is learning the software still.

I found a ton of amazing herbs and berries to forage here on our property! SO EXCITED! I have Yarrow, cranberry, mountain blueberry, Indian Tea, Choga, ground cedar, cottonwood buds, willow, and more. I have some tinctures made and bases for salves marinating for a few weeks. I found Devils Club right up the road so I need to go harvest some of that soon! I enjoy working with foraged food and herbs for natural medicine. I don’t know a lot yet but am learning quickly! I started working with sourdough recently as I am developing an intolerance to yeast. I enjoy it. Still experimenting with recipes and such but what doesn’t work out just goes to the chickens! Its a win-win, if it tastes great we eat it, if it doesn’t the chickens will then give me eggs, lol!

Eventually the house will be done, the business up and running, websites done and running smoothly, and this momma can relax…eventually! We are excited to be making so much progress with the house and property, it has an incredible amount of work but it has been worth it. We have a lot of work to do before winter hits, I will update again later!

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