Tag: moving



First year in Alaska

Our first year in Alaska was far different than anything we could have imagined. Everything we had planned out before moving went out the window! I think God sometimes laughs at our future plans when we make them. We are so sure of ourselves and our abilities to accomplish...

Learning Never Stops

I have learned a lot in the last few months, not only about life in general but about our relationship with God, faith, and ourselves. Sometimes what we *think* we know is not what we know…….does that make sense? I thought I knew how to drive on ice and...


Hello friends!Hannah here, I am going to try to update all that’s happened in the last few months or so. Been a bit crazy around here for sure, but God is GOOD!We had been looking for work in Alaska for about 3 years and actually had jobs twice but...

Driving The Alaska Highway

Driving the Alcan or Alaska Highway is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that most people never have a chance or the means to do. The Alaska Highway starts at Dawson Creek in British Columbia and ends in Fairbanks Alaska 1,486 miles later. There are only two ways...


It is official, I am quitting my job, Jared has accepted a job offer, we are selling our home, we are looking at a farm already, and family and friends have been notified….mostly. WHEW!! We are so crazy excited and nervous and worried and (me) a little scared and...