Learning Never Stops

I have learned a lot in the last few months, not only about life in general but about our relationship with God, faith, and ourselves. Sometimes what we *think* we know is not what we know…….does that make sense? I thought I knew how to drive on ice and snow…..but I know now! I thought I knew what faith looks like……I know more now! I thought I knew what moving across country was like, well, I have moved across another country now. See? What I thought I knew, I only knew in a small way that now I have grown in.

That ice and snow I had driven in in Iowa, ya, nothing like ice and snow in the Yukon Territory! 4 wheeling up one side of the mountain to slide back down the other side while pulling a trailer was a whole new world on winter driving! LOL! It makes me laugh to think of the times in Washington when there was several inches of snow and I was nervous about driving to work. Perspective has changed, I have experienced and grown in that area. Well, the same goes for moving. I have moved back and forth across the country several times but moving across another country is a whole new chapter and experience. Having to deal with a different set of laws that I don’t completely understand and some I disagreed with was an experience I will not soon forget, namely, “shut up and keep driving”, haha! But should I ever have to return to Canada I’ll know what to expect.

One of the biggest things we all realized quickly is how little we actually knew about faith. We have grown in leaps and bounds in our faith that God has a plan and trust that He will lead us in His timing, mostly through out the last several years. There is an old hymn that states “Simply trusting every day, trusting through the stormy way; even when my faith is small, trusting Jesus, that is all” That song is very simple and very difficult at the same time. We knew we were supposed to move, but not where, when, how, or anything. How do you move and not know when or where or how? Well, trust was a huge factor….and prayer. Eventually, we were led to Alaska but we didn’t know which town. We decided that wherever Jared got a job first, that’s where we would go as that seemed the most logical route, lol.

During the next 3 years we traveled to Alaska 4 times to look around and for a job interview. During that time covid happened, and Jared had 3 different job offers that didn’t work out for one reason or another and we kept planning and praying. Through it all God was working on our faith and trust. When we left Wa and headed to AK we did not have a house waiting and the job itself was questionable as were not even sure Jared could physically do it. Some thought we were crazy (and some still do! 😊) but we were acting in faith By this time though our trust had grown and we obeyed without too many questions, lol. The trip through BC was an exercise in faith by itself and God led every step of the way, sometimes literally and we didn’t realize it until later. That’s the thing about obedience, we don’t always see the reason until afterwards, sometimes not at all.  Several times we tried to hurry things up and every time we ended up messing it up, lol, still not good at “trust and obey” but I’m learning. I’m a lot further along than I was, I think we all are after the last 3 crazy years!

When God leads its very deliberately I have learned. We were held up for a week right before we left and I was so stressed about it. Now, I am so very, very thankful we were! God was working on our behalf and we didn’t know it. All the way through the AlCan hwy, we would JUST miss a snowstorm or end up (thankfully) behind a snowplow, or find a town with a motel right as we were going to have to stop for the night. Literally God led us every step of the way, protected us, and calmed my nerves, lol! There is no peace like knowing you are obeying God and following in His steps!

I think we have learned quite a bit and with Christ leading and the fact we are still trying to sell our house and buy another, we will have many lessons to come! I tend to be stubborn and strong willed so I am sure I have many lessons to go! 😊

Since we have arrived here over a month ago now, it hasn’t gotten easier.  We both have asked ourselves “did we do the right thing?”. That’s another area we are learning in. Our pastor here mentioned said something last Sunday that stuck with me. He was talking to Jared and said something to the effect of if we know we are obeying then don’t let ourselves starting doubting what God has said. He is correct. We tend to doubt God’s promises when it gets tough or dark, and BECAUSE its dark we sometimes cannot see what God is doing on our behalf. That’s when trust and faith come into play…..again! lol. God led, we obeyed, yes its hard right now, no God is not done yet, TRUST in His promise for He cannot lie. So what’s next? I wish I knew! God does though and I am learning to trust in His word and to stand strong in my faith in Him.

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