Tag: alaska

2023, crazy but amazing!

It has been 1 year, almost to the day that we moved into our home. We have done a tremendous amount of work with a lot more to do. It’s a little crazy looking back over the last year and seeing how God has helped us in so many...

Update on life here….

Its been a few months since I updated on our home. The snow is gone and though we have had an unseasonably wet summer, we have been able to get quite a bit accomplished outside! With the summers here being short we decided to put the inside of the...

First year in Alaska

Our first year in Alaska was far different than anything we could have imagined. Everything we had planned out before moving went out the window! I think God sometimes laughs at our future plans when we make them. We are so sure of ourselves and our abilities to accomplish...

Riding Snowblower

This is what you need if you live in snow country! How we got the mower We used to have a sizeable yard so a riding lawnmower was a “Must have” if you didn’t want to wear yourself out using a push mower once a week. Originally, I inherited...

Jessica’s 14th Birthday

Turning fourteen may not seem like a big deal, but it is in Alaska. Alaska allows you to get your driver’s permit at fourteen as well as many other things so it is one of the first big age milestones here. We gave Jessica an early birthday present of...

Quad Ride In Alaska

There is no doubt that Alaska is an outdoorsman’s paradise, and you definitely have to take full advantage of the summer for quad riding or other non-winter activities. There are infinite miles of trails to ride, and your riding is only limited by how much gas and food you...

Jessica’s 9mm

The need We wanted to find a handgun that was small and reliable enough yet had bare minimum ballistics for Jessica to carry in the Alaska wilderness. Her smaller stature and hands made this choice way more difficult than a person would think as handguns that shoot high energy...

Learning Never Stops

I have learned a lot in the last few months, not only about life in general but about our relationship with God, faith, and ourselves. Sometimes what we *think* we know is not what we know…….does that make sense? I thought I knew how to drive on ice and...


Hello friends!Hannah here, I am going to try to update all that’s happened in the last few months or so. Been a bit crazy around here for sure, but God is GOOD!We had been looking for work in Alaska for about 3 years and actually had jobs twice but...

Welcome To Alaska Light Show

Our arrival in Alaska has been eagerly awaited and planned for a few years so crossing the border into Alaska outside of Tok was a great feeling, especially after experiencing communist Canada firsthand. The people in the Yukon were normal enough, but were definitely living in fear of their...